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Product Review

Wacom Intuos Pro



Pencil and Paper

Has a smooth surface that doesn't wrinkle.

Surface can wrinkle, but these items are much easier to access.

Pen is motion censored; it doesn't need ink.

Pen/pencil has ink/graphite.

You have to plug in this device into your computer for it to work.

You can work with these items just about anywhere.

The image that you create from drawing is projected onto the computer.

The image is directly transferred from pen to paper.

Depending on the program you use with the tablet, colors typically turn out extremely vivid.

Depending on the paper, color can turn out a variety of ways so you have to be careful.

Pen and tablet both have customizable buttons on them.

Pen and paper have no changeable options, but they're easier to use.

It is portable, although you may want to be more careful since it's not flexible

It is portable, and it would fit just fine in a backpack.

Depending on the digital art program you use, erase marks have the option to not be shown.

Erase marks are often visibly shown on paper, and if you push hard enough, the paper could tear.

Project #6-A

Here I compare the Wacom Intuos Pro with your typical pen/pencil and paper

Effects on careers

With the Wacom Intuos Pro and everything else alike, I feel as though the art industry is only going to continue to grow. With all of this new technology coming out, it only makes the creation of art more efficient and consistent. Maybe in the future, more businesses will revolve around art and create job opportunities for people like me. Because of all this new technology, things like comic books, video games, movies, and even clothing are being produced significantly quicker than ever before. With fewer mistakes made and all of the tools available to you if you ever get stuck, I'm sure that all of these digital art tools and programs will be a gigantic help in the future because it's definitely helping a lot now.

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