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Project #4-C

This chart is an overview of what different colors mean in Japan V.S. America.

The Use of Color

What do different colors mean in different cultures? Here you will find another comparison, but instead, it shows what different colors mean in Japan V.S. America.



Red is often used to grade school papers, it symbolizes passion, and could also mean "stop"or danger.

Red is often corresponded with extreme danger or death.

Orange is often referred to as courage, happiness, and love.

When thinking of orange, you tend to think of the autumn time, and/or Halloween.

Yellow is though of as warmth and/or caution in America.

Yellow is used with courage, beauty, and cheerfulness in Japan.

Green is though of as a lucky color, environmental factors, the spring season, happiness, and money.

Green is used for the concepts of eternal life, youthfulness, and freshness.

Blue goes along with calmness, sadness, hope, trust, and depression.

Typically in Japan, blue is just thought of as everyday life.

Purple is though of as Royalty, fame, and wealth.

Purple is referred to as privilege and wealth.

Pink is more of a feminine color and it's though of as love and romance.

Pink could be though of as a neutral and warm color because it is well-liked by both males and females.

Black is referred to as death, rebellion, and used for funerals.

When thinking of black, you think of the topics of mystery and the night. It may even be an evil threat.

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